
It is fact that MVC is a standard design pattern that many developers are familiar with globally. Keeping with the framework our components our built across the following:

  • Model objects are the parts of the application that implement the logic for the application's data domain. Our model objects would retrieve information from the PNAG SQL database, operate on it, and then write updated information back in a SQL Server database.
  • We have built views components that display the PNAG application's user interface (UI). Typically, this UI is created from the model data.
  • Our controller components handle user interactions, work with the model, and ultimately select a view to render that displays UI. Our controller handles and responds to user input and interaction such as handling query-string values, and passes these values to the model, which in turn might use these values to query the database.

Our application has been built by separating our different aspects of the application such as input logic, business logic, and UI logic, while providing a loose coupling between these elements, thereby ensuring we bring in aspects where each kind of logic should be located in the application and help manage complexity in the course of building the PNAG application.

It makes it easier to manage complexity by dividing an application into the model, the view, and the controller. Through the use of the Front Controller pattern, we process web application requests, which enable us to design an application that supports a rich routing infrastructure. Our technology provides better support for test-driven development (TDD). Our architecture works well to support large teams of developers and Web designers who need a high degree of control over the application behavior.

We ensure separation of application tasks (input logic, business logic, and UI logic), testability, and test-driven development (TDD). All core contracts in the MVC framework are interface-based and can be tested by using mock objects, which are simulated objects that imitate the behavior of actual objects in the application. You can unit-test the application without having to run the controllers in an ASP.NET process, which makes unit testing fast and flexible. You can use any unit-testing framework that is compatible with the .NET Framework.

Empowering Applications with ASP.NET MVC Framework

Through the use of ASP.NET MVC framework components, we have brought in an extensible and pluggable framework, so that the design can be easily enhanced, upgraded, or customized. We can plug in with a view engine, URL routing policy, action-method parameter serialization, and other components. Our framework supports the use of Dependency Injection (DI) and Inversion of Control (IOC) container models, thereby enabling us to inject objects into a class, instead of relying on the class to create the object itself, and specify if an object requires another object, the first objects should get the second object from an outside source such as a configuration file. This makes testing easier.

Through extensive support for ASP.NET routing, which is a powerful URL-mapping component helps us build applications that have comprehensible and searchable URLs. URLs do not have to include file-name extensions and are designed to support URL naming patterns that work well for search engine optimization (SEO) and representational state transfer (REST) addressing.

We can support using the markup in existing ASP.NET page (.aspx files), user control (.ascx files), and master page (.master files) markup files as view templates. We can use existing ASP.NET features with the ASP.NET MVC framework, such as nested master pages, in-line expressions (<%= %>), declarative server controls, templates, data-binding, localization, and so on.

Through our framework, we have the potential to harness features such as forms authentication and Windows authentication, URL authorization, membership and roles, output and data caching, session and profile state management, health monitoring, the configuration system, and the provider architecture.


  • Product data extraction
  • Can be used for brand monitoring
  • Sentiment analysis of products
  • Product reviews analysis
  • Analysis of pricing trends

Overview of Azure Cloud Deployment

Your multi-tier .NET PNAG application with an ASP.NET MVC front-end is designed for deployment in an Azure cloud environment. Leveraging Azure Cloud Services, the application takes advantage of features such as provisioning, load balancing, health monitoring, and a 99.95% monthly SLA.

Application Availability and Security

The application is configured to ensure continuous availability during crashes and failures, redirecting traffic seamlessly. Automatic OS updates maintain security without downtime, and a health metrics dashboard provides real-time insights, supported by alerts for potential service degradation.

Robust Environment and Scalability

Modern Application Deployment

The environment is robust and built to deploy on a variety of modern applications for Android, iOS, and Windows. It can automatically scale up and down to meet varying needs, managing user accounts, providing synchronization, and offering single sign-on across Azure, Office 365, and popular software-as-a-service applications.

Azure Cloud Services for Scalability and Fault Resistance

Leveraging the Microsoft Azure platform, the application is designed for large, scalable web applications with efficient development, test, and operations management. Azure Cloud Services ensure high scalability and fault resistance.

Dynamic Instance Management with Azure Websites

Azure’s websites compute model allows dynamic addition or removal of instances, supported by Azure Websites for load balancing requests. This dynamic scalability ensures optimal performance.

Challenges - Solutions - Results

Our Challenges / Solutions

We have prepared Wireframes and Front end design using Adobe XD, Photoshop in coming up with the initial design and mockup and followed by further design revisions 

  • Design graphic user interface elements, like menus and tabs
  • Illustrate design ideas using storyboards, process flows
  • Built page elements such custom graphics and illustrations
  • Developed UI mockups and prototypes that clearly illustrate how sites function and look like
  • Layout adjustments based on user feedback

Our Development Team came up with the technical architecture followed by data flow design, process flow design, flow charts, and technical documentation 


We used PHP Tech Stack with Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) which let “Plug in” to other Useful Features. Through our highly skilled and certified developers, we developed custom solutions and technical services on a wide range of requirements and thereby exceeding the client’s expectations. This has all been achieved through our efficient coding best practices, development processes, implementation guidelines, technical maturity & end to end delivery.

We performed a comprehensive test strategy since technology stack undergo constant changes due to upgrades in web and mobile technologies. Our testing included exhaustive functional and non-functional testing, manual and automation testing besides performance and security testing. Our automated Application Testing and Performance Analysis ensured testing the applications on multiple devices and form factors and make the testing process quick, efficient, reliable, repeatable and reusable.

Our comprehensive application testing coverage included  the following:

  • Functional testing including UI testing for native, hybrid and web applications
  • Cross Browser Testing across various browser platforms
  • Cross platform testing: iOS, Android, Windows, BlackBerry and HTML5
  • Non-functional testing: Performance, stability, security and compliance
  • Usability and compatibility testing

Technology Stack

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