
Unlock Your Business True & Complete Potential Through Data Analytics Solutions

Without any doubt, data is the heartbeat of every successful organization today. Data flows through every facet of business every business operation, representing a treasure trove of insights waiting to be discovered. As the volume, velocity, and variety of data continue to grow exponentially, the role of good data analytics software companies, like Akratech, becomes pivotal in navigating this data-rich landscape.

In today’s data-oriented world, data analytics solutions and data analytics services are the compasses that guide businesses through this data wilderness. They provide the means to unearth valuable nuggets of information from the vast data reserves, transforming raw numbers into actionable intelligence. Whether you’re a Fortune 500 giant or a budding startup, harnessing the power of data analytics is no longer an option, it is now imperative for survival and success.

why analytics is important

Why Analytics is Important Today In Businesses & Organizations

Data analytics solutions serve as a powerful tool for organizations of all sizes and across industries. Its importance lies in its ability to:

informed decision-making

In an era where intuition alone is no longer sufficient, data analytics empowers decision-makers with concrete evidence. It enables organizations to make choices rooted in data-driven insights rather than guesswork

competitive edge

Those who can decipher market trends, customer behavior, and operational efficiency through data analytics gain a distinct competitive edge. It allows companies to respond swiftly to market shifts and evolving consumer demands.

enhanced efficiency

Data analytics identifies inefficiencies within processes, supply chains, and workflows, paving the way for cost savings and streamlined operations.

customer-centric approaches

Understanding customers preferences and needs is at the core of business success. Data analytics helps businesses develop targeted marketing strategies and personalized experiences.

Data Science & ML

Data Science & Analytics and Machine Learning

Our Big data and Analytics Consulting services bring in technical & strategic solutions connecting People, Tools, and Data enabling businesses to build capabilities in data mining with insights that can enable better decisions and create value. Our Data Science and business analytics consulting solutions help our clients with real-time insights through predictive analytics guiding business strategies and meeting customer demands.

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Data Science & Analytics

Our leveraged team of data scientists provides predictive insights through advanced data models. We provide services which give insights using various techniques in process simulation, data mining, forecasting and statistical analysis. We are equipped with rich experience in latest tools supporting a range of analysis such predictive modeling, customer segmentation, experimental design, pricing optimization etc..

data science & ml

Machine Learning

We develop customized statistical models and algorithms through innovative ways to strategize businesses while exploring new opportunities in the emerging market. Our services enable clients to make decisions with confidence based on the logical and structured analysis derived as we collaborate with customers to support robust decision-making. Our models provide insights providing solution to complex business problems

Big Data & Analytics

Big Data Analytics Benefits

Our processes are aligned to specialized analytics bringing in business benefits, which includes new revenue opportunities, effective marketing, better customer service, improved operational efficiency and competitive advantages over rivals.

We help build applications leveraging data scientists, predictive modelers, statisticians and other analytics professionals to analyze growing volumes of structured transaction data, plus other forms of data that are often left untapped by conventional business intelligence (BI) and analytics programs. That encompasses a mix of semi-structured and unstructured data

Marketing Analytics

  • Product Management
  • Market Analysis
  • Brand Equity
  • Customer Segmentation
  • Marketing Mix

Sales Analytics

  • Dynamic Pricing & Optimization
  • Profitability Analysis
  • Value Based Pricing
  • Cross Selling & Upselling
  • Demand Forecasting

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We leverage statistical programming languages such as R and Python to develop complex statistical models besides bringing in data visualization as a tool for providing analytical insights to customers.



Our experience to integrate optimization algorithms have enabled us to provide the most optimal approach to problems. We help our customers with continuous and seamless optimization in operations.

data modeling

data modelling

Our life-cycle models have been used to generate real-time predictions esp. in Sales & Marketing through Visual analysis which has changed the approach towards customer engagement & relationship

Deep learning

deep learning

Employ powerful deep learning techniques through our leveraged experts who help you to develop powerful and intelligent neural network models brining in complex representations of data

Real time processing

real-time processing

We use languages like Python and Node.js to efficiently process, analyze real-time data under cloud-based infrastructure with powerful parallel processing capabilities for scalable solutions.

Custom reports

custom reports

We deliver visual reports and operational analytics dashboards through integrated and custom API's as part of analytics which are easily scalable according to customer needs.

The role of data analytics software companies like akratech

Navigating the world of data analytics can be daunting, especially for organizations without in-house expertise. This is where data analytics consulting services & data analytics software companies come into play. These specialized firms bring industry knowledge, best practices, and the latest technologies to the table. They act as guides, helping businesses define their data objectives, select the right tools, and create a roadmap for success.

data analysis
data analytics solution

Data and Analytics Solution : A holistic approach

At the heart of every data-driven transformation are the data and analytics solutions themselves. These encompass not only the data analytics software companies develop but also the strategy and infrastructure behind them. A well-implemented analytics solution seamlessly integrates data sources, provides intuitive interfaces, and generates actionable insights, making data analytics an accessible and valuable asset for organizations.

In the pages that follow, we delve deeper into the world of data analytics, exploring its myriad applications, the tools and technologies that drive it, and the profound impact it can have on your business. Join us on this journey as we uncover how data analytics can be your most powerful ally in achieving your organizational goals.

At Akratech, we are committed to transforming your data into a strategic asset. Our comprehensive suite of data analytics solutions is designed to empower your organization with actionable insights, drive innovation, and stay ahead in today’s competitive landscape. Contact us today to explore how we can help you unlock the full potential of your data.

Data analytics solution

Data analytics solution by AKRATECH

At Akratech, we understand that data is the lifeblood of modern businesses. Leveraging the power of data can provide invaluable insights, drive informed decision-making, and fuel growth. Our Data Analytics Solutions have been meticulously crafted to help you harness the full potential of your data assets.

data discovery

data discovery and integration

Before embarking on any data analytics journey, it's essential to have a solid foundation. Akratech offers comprehensive data discovery and integration services. We specialize in gathering data from various sources, including structured and unstructured data, IoT devices, social media, and more.

data warehouse

data warehousing and storage

To drive meaningful insights, having a robust data warehousing and storage solution is critical. Akratech designs and deploys scalable and secure data warehousing solutions tailored to your specific needs. Whether you require on-premises or cloud-based storage, we've got you covered.

advanced data analytics

advanced data analytics

When it comes to advanced data analytics solutions, Akratech excels in the required data analytics and data management techniques, including:

descriptive analysis

descriptive analytics

Akratech’s data analysts help you gain insights into historical data trends and patterns for better decision making.

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diagnostic analytics

Leverage our data analytics team’s expertise in understanding the "why" behind trends by identifying causative factors.

Predictive analysis

predictive analytics

Forecast future outcomes and trends with confidence with the help of reliable and powerful machine learning and statistical models built by Akratech’s predictive analytics teams.

Why choose us

Why Choose Akratech for your data analytics partner

statistical programming

We leverage statistical programming languages such as R and Python to develop complex statistical models besides bringing in data visualization as a tool for providing analytical insights to customers.

data modeling expertise

Our experience to integrate optimization algorithms have enabled us to provide the most optimal approach to problems. We help our customers with continuous and seamless optimization in operations.

real-time data processing

We use languages like Python and Node.js to efficiently process, analyze real-time data under cloud-based infrastructure with powerful parallel processing capabilities for scalable solutions.


ML algorithm optimization

Our experience to integrate optimization algorithms have enabled us to provide the most optimal approach to problems. We help our customers with continuous and seamless optimization in operations.

deep learning techniques

Employ powerful deep learning techniques through our leveraged experts who help you to develop powerful and intelligent neural network models brining in complex representations of data

insightful custom reports

We deliver visual reports and operational analytics dashboards through integrated and custom API's as part of analytics which are easily scalable according to customer needs.

Hire the best contract software developers

Hire remote developers or Hire Remote Development Team

Hire remote developers or Hire Remote Development Team based on your project needs – individual or a group of expert developers.
We assist you in quickly and affordably hiring developers and development teams for your specific needs.

prescriptive analysis

prescriptive analytics

Our team helps you seamlessly optimize decision-making by suggesting the best course of action based on predictive insights.

data visualization

data visualization & reporting solutions

Turning data into actionable insights is our specialty. Our data visualization experts create stunning and interactive dashboards that allow you to explore your data intuitively. We use leading visualization tools to transform complex data sets into easily digestible graphics, enabling you to make data-driven decisions with confidence.

Machine learning

machine learning & AI integration

To stay competitive in today's data-driven world, harnessing the power of machine learning and artificial intelligence is essential. Akratech integrates cutting-edge ML and AI technologies into your analytics workflow. Whether it's automating repetitive tasks or building predictive models, we empower you to make data-driven decisions that drive your business forward.