

We provide a wide range of services which includes Commercial and Technical Due-diligence, Market Strategy, Business plan development, Resource provisioning, Technical consultancy, etc..keeping with the latest trends in Network and Wireless Technology , Industry Best practices, and Optimization.

We understand today’s Telecom industry is a constantly evolving market and hence our consultants are driven by the latest trends, Cloud services, and Optimization aligning businesses to defined strategies and goals.

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Our SMEs work along with clients as partners in Technical Specification evaluations, Systems Design, Detailed engineering, and performance enhancements besides significantly involve in Tender & Contractual Management as part of the Bid Process to ensure clients achieve sustainable growth.



We bring in effective cost accounting and controls, through robust financial planning (CAPEX/OPEX) and auditing processes besides advising on key industry issues, including development, technical due diligence & support to ensure clients realize the benefits and potential in the telecom domain


Performance optimization

We partner with our clients to provide strategic, operational, and financial solutions to enhance their performance bringing in Quality effectiveness, service delivery optimization, profitability improvement, and much more.

Fraud Analytics

We work closely with our partners in Fraud Prevention , Detection and Response inline with our Risk consulting services. Our objective is to help telecom companies build strategy for easy detection of associated fraud risks.

  • Perform assessments and build framework & processes
  • Preventive Controls - Incident response mechanism and process level fraud
  • Review existing policy and processes for fraud detection
  • Setting up a comprehensive fraud detection framework
Akratech Experience & Expertise


We help bring in high level of automation in the processes to aid telecom companies to proactively monitor transactions or view different patterns on key information across voice, data and other value added services.Our expertise in providing insights give our customers rich understanding on the dynamic nature of the data sets and complexty of landscape using technology that would deliver real value and impact

  • Develop comprehensive Predictive models
  • Design roadmaps for future architecture
  • Cost and performance analyses of service delivery models
  • Best Practices in Analysis and Reporting
  • Vendor Management

Have A Project in Mind?

Making Enterprises Stand Out With Telecommunication that Matter.

Empower your communication infrastructure with our advanced telecommunication services. Stay connected seamlessly and unlock new possibilities with our innovative solutions tailored to your needs

Some of Our Past Work